The toucan community, as you might imagine, is a small one.  Over the years I have made some very close friends, some of whom I’ve never even met.  But, they are my biggest support system when it comes to the triumphs, the treasures, and the pitfalls of owning a pet toucan. Recently, some of my close friends have experienced the loss of their pet toucan.  My heart truly was broken[…]

If you are like me, I’m a sucker for any animal in need.  Tell me it’s a toucan and you have my full attention! Meet Twizzy!  ToukitheToucan rescued Twizzy.  She is a two-year-old black-necked aracari and she needs your help! Twizzy has a beak deformity, essentially her beak is twisted.  It is unknown what the true cause of her beak deformity is from, it could’ve been from trauma or from[…]


“What happened to my baby?” Spring Fever Tips for Toucans The flowers are popping up, the birds are chirping in the morning, what is there not to love about spring?   Springtime can be a welcomed relief for many.  The warmer weather and longer daylight hours make many of us feel renewed and excited to say goodbye to winter. However, for many bird owners springtime can be the beginning of a[…]