Do toucans talk? No, toucans do not have a syrinx like parrots and therefore cannot talk. They do make a variety of different sounds when happy though. The type of sound depends on the species. The bigger toucans and toucanets tend to make purring sounds and the Curl Crested Aracari is known for its cooing or what I like to call “dolphin” sounds.
What about the mess? There is no way around it, birds, in general, are messy. Toucans are no different. But, rather than having seed and chop on your floor, you are more likely to have pellets and fruit! Toucans like to go above and beyond though and sometimes shake their beak. This can cause the fruit to end up in places you would never imagine like your windows, tv, and floor!
What kinds of toys do they like? Toucans love to play with toys. They are known for making a toy out of anything! If you leave a water bottle unattended or a soda cap, you will soon see that these jokesters can play with just about anything! Toucan owners have had to get very creative with the toys they find as many toys are made for parrots. You can find lots of great bird toys in the bird section of most stores. However, many of us have also found that baby toys, rubber duckies, and dog rope toys also make fun toys for toucans. Since toucans can’t destroy toys by chewing them it opens the possibilities to more unique types of toys.
What kind of diet do they need? Toucans must have a very strict diet. Non-adherence to the diet can lead to hemochromatosis or otherwise known as iron storage disease. Therefore, foods low in iron and vitamin c are best. Most owners find a diet of papaya, melons, blueberries, and apples will suffice. Low iron pellets are also highly suggested by most breeders to ensure a complete diet. Toucans cannot have any type of citrus. Read more about toucan nutrition here.
Can toucans interact with other species of birds or animals? There are many owners who have successfully integrated toucans into their families with other birds and animals. However, toucans can be unpredictable. It is wise if you plan to do this to really learn to read their body language. Toucans can attack quickly and have no problem doing so. Many experienced toucan breeders and owners would acknowledge that if you plan to integrate them with other species of animals it must be done so under the highest level of supervision.
Can toucans be trained? You bet!! Toucans can learn with the same techniques as parrots using positive reinforcement and shaping procedures. Training is an excellent form of enrichment. Scale, crate, recall, station, and target training are all great for toucans to learn just to name a few.
How much should I feed them? The amount of food will be dependent on the species of toucans. Obviously bigger toucans eat much more than the smaller toucanets. It is best to ask your breeder how much food to offer in a day and what diet they are currently on prior to bringing them home. Just with any bird, it is important to weigh your toucan often. Any big changes in weight could alert you to a problem with your toucan. If you see a sudden change in weight you should call your vet immediately.
What substrate should I use at the bottom of the enclosure? When you purchase an enclosure the best ones for a toucan will ensure they can’t pick up anything from under the bottom grate. Different owners have had good experiences using newspapers, shredded paper, and absorbent dog pads. I prefer to use shredded paper. I recycle my bills and papers I want shredded through my shredder and then use that at the bottom of the enclosure. This was a suggestion from my avian vet and I love it! It is a great way to recycle as well as not spend a fortune on absorbent pads.
Are toucans affectionate? My experience is that each toucan is unique! They all have their own personalities, truly they do. While some species are more known for being affectionate, one size does not fit all! Aracaris are generally known to be more affectionate and cuddly, however, there are aracari’s that don’t prefer to cuddle, rather be more independent. All toucans will show you that they are happy with their noises. Some will cuddle, and some are just happy being next to you. It is dependent on the species as well as their unique personality.
Is it legal to own a pet toucan in the United States? Yes. Captive breeding of toucans in the United States was first pioneered by Jerry Jennings (aka Mr. Toucan) in 1978. Since then many breeders have learned from Jerry and have had successful breeding programs of their own.