My passion in life has been teaching children and raising two beautiful toucans. I couldn’t think of a better way to pull those two passions together than with my “Toucan Teach” blog. I have long thought about this blog, what it would be, look like, develop into. It took me a long time to actually launch it because of my fear, until I saw a post that said “if it is meant to be, it will be” and so I decided it was time to share what I know with others.

Our first toucan was an Emerald Toucanet, Yoshi. He was our world! We don’t have children so he was the closest we would come to having a “baby”. He was the biggest goofball and awesome at playing catch! He was 9 months old when we got him and we were lucky to have him in our life for 9 years. Our hearts broke the day he passed away. After his passing, we couldn’t live in a quiet house. We began the search for our second baby, a Curl Crested Aracari, who we would name Bella. Bella is the sweetest, most beautiful, yet independent baby. She is our world, and I can’t wait for you to read more about her.

I have learned so much about toucans through my own experience; the good, the bad, and the ugly. What makes them so fun? Why do they steal your heart? Why have a toucan and not a parrot or other bird?
As a toucan mom, I struggled to find good information about toucans over all these years. As social media has grown, finding information has become easier but it is still lacking! As toucans have become more and more popular as companion animals, I felt a need to provide valuable information relating to their nutrition, care, and needs. I have had many people help me along the way, people who I am so grateful for. Believe me, I am no expert and I certainly do not claim to be. I am merely a toucan mom putting together a resource of information to share. Over the years I have learned from experts and fellow owners so many valuable tips, tricks, and need-to-know information about toucans. This is merely a place to share that information. I will leave the expert advice to the experts!
While toucans as companion pets are amazing, toucans in the canopies of the rainforest are a sight I long for. My dream is to go to Costa Rica or any other place toucans live and see them in the wild. One day, hopefully soon, I will get to see these glorious birds in their natural habitat. Join me in learning more about conservation efforts, rehabilitation of wild toucans, and general facts about toucans. From companions to canopies, let’s talk toucans!